Week 28 of 40 weeks of 40 Breakfast at Tiffany’ s

When i first started this challenge hadn’t considered those weeks when you are so wrapped up in  the suddenness of grief  you are unable to see anything else. This week began like that and because of it everything I’ve done this week has been to distract from that. But this was something i did for me on my own.
yup another film but this is a classic film in the category of films you are meant to have seen but never got round too. I read the book for book group last year and kept meaning to finally watch the film. This week it was on tv so, a free treat. I knew it was different from the book but it felt really different from the book. Maybe a should read it again to check. I’m glad I’ve watched it  but I didn’t love it. I thought I would like it more and I don’t think id watch it again. Also her outfit is so iconic but is also boring,apart from the massive hat which is amazing. I did like her sofa which seemed to be made from an old bath. Hearing moon river did however make me cry slightly.

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